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Calving Difficulty: Difference between revisions

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     If the trait is not adjusted (e.g. Stayability) then say so
     If the trait is not adjusted (e.g. Stayability) then say so
No adjustments are made to calving difficulty scores.
===Contempory Group===
===Contempory Group===
<!-- Discuss how contemporary groups are formed -->
<!-- Discuss how contemporary groups are formed -->

Revision as of 16:12, 25 June 2019

Calving difficulty is a subjective measure of the degree of dystocia. Dystocia can be caused by a large pre-natal calf, small pelvic area of the dam, lack of sufficient uterine contractions, insufficient dilation of the cervix, or mispositioned calf prior to parturition. Calving ease EPD are produced from calving difficulty scores and birth weight observations.


Producers are asked to score the degree of calving difficulty using the following subjective scores:

Score Description
1 No difficulty, no assistance required
2 Minor difficulty, some assistance
3 Major difficulty, usually mechanical assistance
4 Caesarian section or other surgery
5 Abnormal presentation

Cows that calve without assistance between daily checks can be assumed to have calved without assistance even if the calving was not observed. A score of 1 should be reported for these. All calvings should receive a score even if the calf is born dead.

Adjusted Value

No adjustments are made to calving difficulty scores.

Contempory Group

Genetic Evaluation
