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Genetic Evaluation

From BIF Guidelines Wiki


Utility (compared to actual/adjusted phenotypes, ratios, disjoined marker scores, etc.) (Suggested writer: Megan Rolf)

Basic Models


ssGBLUP (Suggested writer: Daniela Lourenco)

Single-step Hybrid Models (Suggested writer: Dorian Garrick)

Interim Calculations


(in)complete reporting / contemporary groups / preferential treatment (Suggested writer: Bob Weaber

Accuracy (Suggested writer: Matt Spangler)

meaning of accuracy

what impacts accuracy

different definitions of accuracy (true, BIF, reliability)

Variance components (Suggested writer: Steve Kachman)

Impact on EPD, accuracy, genetic gain (Suggested writer: Steve Kachman)

Heterogeneous variance

Connectivity (Suggested writer: Ron Lewis)

Measures of (Suggested writer: Ron Lewis)

==Impact on GE== (Suggested Writer: Ron Lewis)

Current GE

How each breed (organization) is modeling each trait (Suggested writers: Steve Miller, Lauren Hyde, AHA)