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Talk:Hoof Tape

From BIF Guidelines Wiki
Revision as of 18:31, 26 March 2019 by Wsnelling (talk | contribs)

This page, and references LaShell et al [2], Parish et al[3], and Pruit et al [5] are focused on relationships between hoof circumference and scale-measured birth weight. Shouldn't we be looking at relationships between hoof circumference and calving ease? What are phenotypic and genetic correlations between hoof circumference and calving ease?

Toser et al. developed a model to predict calving difficulty, first predicting birth weight from hoof circumference, then predicting dystocia from birth weight and pelvic width. They show hoof circumference increased with calving difficulty score, but standard deviations around the mean circumference for each score overlap. Presumably Ko et al [1] show something similar but I cannot a copy of that paper.

Colburn et al. (1997)