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Data Collection

From BIF Guidelines Wiki

At the core of genetic improvement is the collection of data. While data quality is critical, quantity of data collected can sometimes overcome the limitations on data quality that inherently occur in farm and ranch operations. Along with weights and scores for economically relevant traits and their indicator traits, accurate identification of animals, parents, contemporary groups, and other important details (e.g., age) are essential.

Data quality can be impacted by several clearly identified factors. Completeness, timeliness, accuracy, and conformity are all essential, consistency is often the least understood and most overlooked consideration for quality data. Collecting, recording, manipulating and processing data using consistent procedures at both the farm and association levels is essential to maintaining quality data.

Beef Identification Systems


Unique identification (ID) of cattle within the nation's beef herd is required for accurate genetic evaluation and subsequent improvement by selection.  In Appendix 2.1, a uniform coding system for identifying bull semen is described, and in Appendix 2.2, an international system assigning letters to calf birth years is presented.  Both were developed by the National Association of Animal Breeders.

Two key elements in an identification system are 1) a premises ID to uniquely identify an operation or producer and 2) an individual identification for each animal on a premises.

Historically, a premises ID has been used to identify the participating rancher.  This is commonly a member code that is assigned by a breed association in order that the member may conduct business with the association.  A premises ID could further be used to identify location, management group, and contemporary group information.

The identification of individual animals within a particular ranch has several benefits. In seedstock production, the documentation of identity matched to a unique registration number that is tied to a pedigree is an essential component of merchandising.  Individual animal identification also is essential to ownership issues and effective management and documentation of data for performance recording and evaluation. Individual ID on a registered animal is currently handled by utilizing a unique registration number assigned by a breed association, tied to a within-herd ID number administered by the breeder. Traditionally, the within-herd number is a permanent number attached to the animal in the form of a tattoo or a brand. These numbers (tattoos or brands) may be unique to that ranch of origin, but duplicates may occur from operation to operation. Though not a foolproof system, when tied with other tools such as blood typing and DNA analysis, breeders have confidence in this identification method.

Technological advances will allow for new methods of identifying animals, especially as hardware cost decreases and infrastructure is developed.  Radio frequency devices (e.g., tags and implants), biometric identification (e.g., retinal imaging), and DNA technologies all are receiving increased interest as a significant segment of identification programs. These technologies will allow for an efficient interface with electronic data transfer.

Today, a tremendous amount of interest is developing in a national identification system for all beef cattle. Basically all that is needed is to utilize the unique animal number recorded in an identified production unit. This would be a useful resource in issues including animal health and disease surveillance programs, building consumer confidence in food safety, enhancing international trade, increasing the efficiency of performance recording and national cattle evaluation, and finally for process and source verification associated with premium branded programs, alliances, and cooperatives. In the future, individual animal identification at the ranch of origin may become a necessary element of market accessibility for the commercial beef cattle producer.

BIF encourages data exchange and interfacing among data management and software companies.  However, this raises many issues concerning the ownership and rights to use of the data. Reasonable data security is necessary and should be guaranteed before data are entered into a system.  Written rules governing the sharing and transfer of information from one party to another should be agreed upon in advance between owners and others interested in the genetic improvement of beef cattle.